Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and Statistics
Baruch College, City University of New York
One Bernard Baruch Way, New York, NY 10010
Office: 11-225
+1 646-312-3411
Research Interests
- Inverse Problems, Model Calibration and Uncertainty
- Design of Experiments
- Analytics in Technology, Business and Service
- Spatio-Temporal Statistics
- Survey Sampling
Statistics Journals
- Liu, X., Phan, D., Hwang, Y., Klein, L., Liu, X., Yeo, K. (2024+).
Optimal Sensor Allocation with Multiple Linear Dispersion Processes.
Submitted. preprint on arxiv:2401.10437.
- Lee, J., Hwang, Y., Chang, W., Hong, B. and Kim, H. (2024+).
Bayesian Estimation of Physical Activity from Wearable Sensor
Measurements. Submitted.
- Hwang, Y., Kim, H. J., Chang, W., Hong, C., and MacEachern, S. N.
(2024+). Bayesian Model Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis for
Oscillating Biological Experiments. Technometrics. In Press.
preprint on arxiv:2110.10604.
- Sung, C. -L., Haaland, B. Hwang, Y. and Lu, S. (2023) A
clustered Gaussian process model for computer experiments.
Statistica Sinica, 33, 893-918. preprint on arXiv:1911.04602.
- Yang, S., Kim, J. and Hwang, Y. (2021) Integration
of survey data and big observational data for finite population
inference using mass imputation. Survey Methodology.
47, 29-58.
- Zhang, Q. and Hwang, Y. (2020). Sequential
Model-based Optimization for Continuous Inputs with Finite Decision
Space. Technometrics. 62, 486-498.
- Xu, X., Hwang, Y., Kim, T., Wang, F., Wang, X., Chien, P. (2020). Level-expansion:
A Statistical Sequential Design Methodology with Application to
Nanomaterial Synthesis. Journal of Quality Technology.
52, 97-107.
- Sun, F., Gramacy, R. B., Haaland, B., Lu, S. and Hwang, Y. (2019).
Simulation and Field Data of Solar Irradiance. Statistical
Analysis and Data Mining, 12, 311-324. preprint on
- Hwang, Y., Kim, H., Chang, W., Yeo, K. and Kim, Y. (2019). Bayesian
Pollution Source Identification via an Inverse Physics Model.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
134, 76-92.
- Hwang, Y., Lu, S. and Kim, J. (2018). Bottom-up Estimation and
Top-down Prediction: Solar Energy Prediction Combining Information from
Multiple Sources. Annals of Applied Statistics,
12, 2096-2120.
- Hwang, Y., Barut, E., and Yeo, K. (2018). Statistical-physical
Estimation of Pollution Emission. Statistica Sinica,
28, 921-940.
- Hwang, Y., Wright, S., and Hanlon, B. (2017). Estimation
and Testing Problems in Auditory Neuroscience via Clustering.
Biometrics, 73, 1010–1017.
- Hwang, Y., He, X. and Qian, P. Z. G. (2016). Sliced
Orthogonal Array Based Latin Hypercube Designs.
Technometrics, 58, 50–61.
- Liu, X., Yeo, K., Hwang, Y., Singh, J. and Kalagnanam, J. (2016). A Statistical
Modeling Approach for Air Quality Data Based on Physical Dispersion
Processes and Its Application to Ozone Modeling. Annals of
Applied Statistics, 10, 756–785.
- Jiang, H., Schörgendorfer, A., Hwang, Y. and Amemiya, Y. (2015). A Practical Approach to
Spatio-Temporal Analysis. Statistica Sinica,
25, 369-384.
- Qian, P. Z. G., Ai, M., Hwang, Y., and Su, H. (2014). Asymmetric
Nested Lattice Samples. Technometrics, 56,
- Yoon, M., Paek, S., Lee, S., Hwang, Y., Kim, J., Yoo, Y., Hong, B.
(2024). Performance of
Activities of Daily Living in Typically Developing Children in Korea:
Normative Value of K-MBI. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
48 (4), 281-288.
- Kim, M. and Hwang, Y. (2024+). Aim Better with Machine Learning:
Enhancing Effectiveness of Government Credit Programs for SMEs.
Submitted. preprint on
- Lim, S., Choo, E. Choi, I. Hwang, Y. Lee, K. Lee, S. Hwang, B., Kim,
C., Park, M., Lee, J., Park, C., Kim, H., Yoo, K., Jeon, D., Youn, Ho. ,
Chung, W., Kim, M., Jeong, M. Yim, H., Ahn, Y., and Chang, K. (2023). Impact
of malnutrition on bleeding, mortality, and ischemic events in patients
with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular
Diseases. 33 (1) 65-74.
- Tuakli-Wosornu, Y. A., Pandiyan, U., Stratton, C., Hwang, Y.,
Hajjioui, A., Muñoz-Velalsco, L. P., Fourtassi, M., Cooper, R.,
Balikuddembe, J. K., Peterson, M., Krassioukov, A., Palomba, A.,
Tripathi, D. R., Hong, B. (2022). Perceived
Physical and Mental Health and Healthy Eating Habits During the COVID-19
Pandemic in South Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science.
37(15), e118.
- Sim, J., Cho, D., Hwang, Y., and Telang, R. (2022). Virus
Shook the Streaming Star: Estimating the COVID-19 Impact on Music
Consumption. Marketing Science. 41(1),
19-32. preprint on SSRN,
- Choi, W., Park, S., Kwon, J., Jang, E, Kim, J, Heo, J, Hwang, Y.,
Kim, B., Moon, J., Jung, S., Choi, S., Lee, H., Ahn, H., and Hong, J.
(2021). Reverse
Actuation of Polyelectrolyte Effect for In Vivo Antifouling. ACS
Nano. 15 (4) 6811–6828.
- Choi, D., Hwang, J., Bang, J., Han, S., Kim, T., Oh, Y., Hwang, Y.,
Choi, J., and Hong, J. (2021). In
Vitro Toxicity from a Physical Perspective of Polyethylene Microplastics
Based on Statistical Curvature Change Analysis. Science of the
Total Environment. 752, January 2021, 142242.
- Han, S., Bang, J., Choi, D., Hwang, J., Kim, T., Oh, Y., Hwang, Y.,
Choi, J., and Hong, J. (2020). Surface
Pattern Analysis of Microplastics and Impact on Humans. ACS
Applied Polymer Materials. 2.11 4541-4550.
- Sung, W., Kim, W., Hwang, Y., Kim, J., Lim, S., Hong, B. (2020) Body
composition of school-aged children with disabilities.
Pediatrics International, 62(8), 962-969.
- Choi, D., Bang, J., Kim, T., Oh, Y., Hwang, Y., and Hong, J. (2020).
In Vitro
Chemical and Physical Toxicities of Polystyrene Microfragments in
Human-derived Cells. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
400, 5 December 2020, 123308.
- Choi, I., Lim, S., Hwang, Y., Lee, D., Lee, W., Lee, K., Kim, M. and
Jeon, D. (2020). Soluble
neprilysin and long-term clinical outcomes in patients with coronary
artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a
retrospective cohort study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders,
20(1), 1-10.
- Kim, S., Hwang, Y., Seo, H., Kim, B. (2020). Ground Motion
Amplification Models for Japan using Machine Learning Techniques.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 132,
- Lee, H. Kim, E., Baek, D., Hwang, Y., Kim, J., Lim, S., Sul, B. and
Hong, B. (2019). The Role of
Regular Physical Therapy on Spasticity in Children with Cerebral
Palsy. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine,
43, 289-296.
- Yeo, K., Hwang, Y., Liu, X. and Kalagnanam, J. (2019). Development
of hp-inverse Model by Using Generalized Polynomial Chaos.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
347, 1-20.
- Cho, D. and Hwang, Y. and Park, J. (2018). More Buzz, More Vibes:
Impact of Social Media on Concert Distribution. Journal of
Economic Behavior & Organization, 156,
- Wright, S., Wallace, E. and Hwang, Y. and Maganti, R. (2016). Seizure
Phenotypes and Sleep–Wake Pattern of Seizures in KCNA1-null Mutant
Mice. Epilepsy & Behavior, 55,
- Chae, Y. T., Horesh, R., Hwang, Y., Lee, Y. M. (2016). Artificial
Neural Network Model for Forecasting Sub-Hourly Electricity Usage in
Commercial Buildings. Energy and Buildings,
111, 184–194.
- Wright, S., Hwang, Y., and Oertel, D. (2014). Synaptic
Transmission between End bulbs of Held and Bushy Cells in the Cochlear
Nucleus of Mice with a Mutation in Otoferlin. Journal of
Neurophysiology, 112, 3173–3188.
- Hong, B., Ko, Y., Kim, J., Ok, E., Hwang, Y. and Kim, H. (2013). Sternocleidomastoid
Ultrasonography Data for Muscular Torticollis in Infants. Muscle
& Nerve, 48, 100- 104.
- Chung, H., Kong, E., Edwards, J., Weismer, G., Fourakis, M. and
Hwang, Y. (2012). Cross-linguistic
Studies of Children’s and Adults’ Vowel Spaces. The Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America. 131,
- Wang, F., Hwang, Y., Qian, P. Z. G. and Wang, X. (2010). A Statistics-Guided
Approach to Precise Characterization of Nanowire Morphology. ACS
Nano, 4, 855–862.
At Baruch College
- STA 9715 - Applied Probability 2023F
- STA 9719 - Foundations of Statistical Inference 2021S, 2022S
- STA 9708 - Managerial Statistics 2020F, 2021F
- STA 3154 - Business Statistics II 2020S, 2020F, 2021F, 2022F, 2023F,
2024FS, 2024F
- STA 4370 - Introduction to Statistical Engineering 2022F
- STA 9661 - Multivariate Statistics for Business Analytics – with
DataCamp 2019F
- Statistical Consulting – with DataCamp (STA5034) 2019S
- Large Scale Data Management and Visualization – with DataCamp
(STA3034) 2018F
- Introduction to Statistical Computing – with DataCamp (STA2016)
2018F, 2019S
- Design and Analysis of Experiments (STA5031) 2018S
- Design of Experiments (STA3026) 2018S
- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (STA2014) 2017F
Selected Presentations
- Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology and Population
Health Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Mar 2025 (scheduled).
- School of Public Health, Louisiana State University. New Orleans,
LA. 2022.
- Department of Applied Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Chicago, IL. 2022.
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland at
Baltimore County (UMBC). Baltimore, MD. 2021.
- Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH. 2020.
- Department of Statistics, Inha University, Incheon, Korea.
- Department of Statistics, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
- Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
- Tutorial on Industrial Statistics, International Conference on
Consumer Electronics Asia. Jeju, Korea. 2018.
- The 2nd Pacific Rim Statistical Conference for Production
Engineering, Seoul, Korea. 2016.
- Department of Statistics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. 2016.
- Department of Industrial & System Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon,
Korea. 2015.
- H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. 2015.
- Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH.
Pohang, Korea. 2014.
Research Grants
- New York City Government Tech Talent Pipeline Grant
- NRF-2017R1C1B5075436 (PI, 2017-2019).
- NRF-2018M3A9E8021503 (Co-PI, 2018-2022).
- KOFAC-2018FBA0007 (Undergraduate Research Program, 2018F).
- Multi-model Blending (US20150347922 A1)
- Building Energy Consumption Forecasting Procedure Using Ambient
Temperature, Enthalpy, Bias Corrected Weather Forecast and Outlier
Corrected Sensor Data (US20150331023)
- Parameter-dependent model-blending with multi-expert based machine
learning and proxy sites (US20170017895 A1)
- Detection Algorithms for Distributed Emission Sources of Abnormal
Events (US20170147927)
- Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2023
- United Nations Population Fund, 2022
- Statistics Korea, 2019
- IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, 2018
Professional Service
Referee for Technometrics, Statistica Sinica, Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and
Environmental Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Annals of
Applied Statistics, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Journal of
Nonparametric Statistics, Statistics and Probability Letters, PLOS ONE,
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, Decision Support
Systems, IISE Transactions.